The Secret Brew is a type of Netherwart that upon brewing will give potions a randomized color, remove the effect identifiers, and remove their potion name. Potions may be created like normal but will retain it's uniquely randomized color, lack of effect identification, and generic name of ‘potion’ unless renamed otherwise.
Secret Brew belongs to the Shion collection and does not have a prerequisite to unlock it's recipe. Secret Brew's recipe is shapeless, meaning that it doesn't not have to be placed in a specific order for it to be crafted. Secret Brew has a somewhat cheap cost to craft requiring:
Due to the Secret Brew being a type of Netherwart, this means that for the Secret Brew to be used, new potions have to be brewed using this first. The Secret Brew cannot be applied to already brewed potions.
Creating awkward potions with the Secret Brew will give them a randomized color despite not having any effects yet.
Trying to plant the Secret Brew will not plant any Netherwart and will be returned to the player's inventory.
Potions made with the Secret Brew are great for interesting player interaction whether it be deception, role-play, etc.
When brewing potions with the Secret Brew, as long as the potion remains in the brewing stand, the player can still see what ingredient was used last. (e.g a Secret Brew potion brewed with into a swiftness potion will say ‘sugar’)
The brewing stand will also list gunpowder and dragon's breath despite splash and lingering potions having different bottle designs.