In late July of 2021, Star City Representative and Founder Perla2 began work on an ice rollercoaster directly south of Hoshiyomi Tower, as suggested by member CptMiner. Due to several issues with the build’s placement, lack of quality compared to nearby builds, and the prohibitively high amount of blue ice needed for the ride, there was little public support for the structure. Due to this disapproval and Perla’s lack of involvement in the city and server, Star City member Tmanbagged gathered a group to demolish the build, and the issue was considered resolved.
Perla, however, viewed this as an unauthorized action and considered this to be griefing. Perla and T-Man then had an extensive discussion about the issues with Perla’s decision, and what sort of powers the representatives had, for the powers of the Representatives were not set in writing at this point. Due to Perla’s lack of involvement in the city’s construction and the increasing discontent within the community, T-Man drafted a vote of no confidence for Perla (alongside another member kazearuyo for inactivity) and held a voting period of twenty-four hours. After some backlash from the opposition, citing that it was not enough time to draft a rebuttal, the voting period was extended to one week.
Several days after the voting period had begun, it was announced that PekoMiko and the ENpire coalition would be going to war with Star City. The stated motivation was something along the lines of 'ensuring national strength and pride'. In this conflict, the ownership of both PekoMiko and Star City would be decided, and that the vote would be suspended until the end of the conflict. Most citizens from both sides had no clue the conflict was happening until the announcement, and an investigation was launched. It appeared as though the representatives of PekoMiko and Star City had planned the conflict (the war announcement was worded as a planned event) and in the case of the ENpire coalition, only one representative was needed to send the coalition into the conflict. After some intervention the war was called off, with a standard fighting event between PekoMiko and Star City to placate the war hawks in both factions.
With the war called off, the previously split Star City was now firmly in support of voting Perla out of office. However, Perla announced he would be resigning, and placed kazearuyo as his successor on the newly established Star City Council, with Zhuangxujian and T-Man voted into power shortly after the resignation. Since then, the prosperity of Star City has continued unabated, and the road looks brighter than ever under the Star City Council.